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How to elevate ourselves & rise

Image by Studio Kealaula

Guided Meditation

Here's my free gift to you!

A powerful guided meditation to activate your feminine frequencies and align you with your highest purpose.

Download now to get started on your way.

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My Authentic Journey
Emotions are our guide
As little girl, I was hyper in tune with my surroundings and my relationships with my family.

To say the least, I found this overwhelming and hard to process. Later in my adult years I understood that this was my greatest gifts of intuition and empathy but at the time I felt different, misunderstood and perfered to be alone. I began to internalizing my feelings, ideas, perspectives and what I really wanted. With no one to guide me at the time, this evolved into a total lack of confidence in myself and my ablities, low self esteem and shunning my physical apperance despite all the compliments.  

In my teens, I developed anxiety, an underlying guilt that never really went away and experienced very unhealthy relationships with myself and others, searching for love and acceptance.

Ultimately, I felt unsafe, insecure and I delt with this all on my own. A part of me accepted the idea that being a woman was weak and never enough.

The Awakened Woman
 In my 20s, in my efforts to be strong and be taken seriously, I took on more masculine energy. 

I felt I had to prove myself, chase what I wanted, I was desparately seeking some validation from the outside world. My parents divorce and lack of communication about their unhealhty marriage drove me further into my internal sea of chaos. This is when I decided something has to change- I was living in a self created hell, having issues with my health and couldn't continue living my life like this. 

They say when you're ready, your teacher will come.

I was introduced to the workings of the subconsicous mind , belief systems, thoughts and how these patterns impacted our bodies and the world around us. A 'Light bulb moment' doesn't even begin to describe what I felt - this knowledge was healing me, nourishing my soul and giving me my power back that I had lost long ago as that little lost girl. 


My deepest transformation has been letting go
of the need for approval or outside validation
Instead I choose to trust myself 1,000%

Today, I can honestly I am the happiest, healthiest and most fulfilled that I have ever been.

But it has been a journey to get here. Although the pain and suffering is always hard to work through, I am grateful for the experiences, people and that spark of light in that younger me that pushed me to get to where I am today. 

After 20 years of working with the world’s leading companies, heading my own consultancies including my own expansive holistic journey, it is my intention to support women towards holistic health and wellness.

By sharing this knowledge, creating safe spaces to shed our old skins and open up to new parts of ourselves, and teaching women to re-connect with their feminine essence, we can remember how powerful we are. I’ve learned first hand that it’s through this innate ‘power’ that we create our successes in various aspects of our personal and professional lives and pave the way for our daughters to continue to rise.

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My Journey Has Led Me Here To Help Others 

I am so grateful to my mentors and guides that have supported me on my journey to self discovery and expansion.  I'm ready to share my wisdom, real techniques & tools, that have radically changed my life for the better. 


Does this resonate with you? 

The Path To The Divine Feminine

Image by Sarah Brown

As a 'Wellness Pioneer' with over 15 years in the field, I can proudly say that I helped to pave the way to wellbeing and holistic lifestyle in the region.  I have supported thousands of people through my consultation practice and educational programs -  hosting workshops and retreats around the world is very much a passion of mine.  I look forward to supporting you on your journey!

I am Trained In the Following Techniques

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Clinical Hypnotherapy
Yoga and Meditation
Behavioral Therapies
Priestess Practices
Ayurvedic principles

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

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Somatics and Embodiment Practices

Women's Health and Well-being


Mariam Has Been Featured In



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"Mariam Yasin's talent in helping women overcome financial issues is truly remarkable. Her expertise in financial empowerment guided me through a difficult period, allowing me to regain control over my financial situation. Mariam's practical strategies and compassionate approach provided me with the confidence and skills necessary to build a stable financial future."


10 Things That Align With My Feminine Frequency

1. Spending time in nature
2. Moving my body - yoga or a fun dance session
3. Anything rose or jasmine 
4. Journaling my thoughts and feelings
5. Wearing outfits that I feel confident and beautful in 
6. Exploring my sensual side through fragrance or a delicious meal
7. Stepping into my creativity through art, cooking etc. 
8. My daily meditational practice
9. Holding Women's circles to hold space and share 
10. Loving my body and honoring my monthly cycle 

Image by Content Pixie
My Top 3 Tips
To Self-Development
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Self Talk 
Notice what kind of self talk you have inside your mind? Is it harsh and aggressive or loving and patient? Gentle and motivating self talk with help you get through tough moments of deep transformation. 

Your Heart's Desires 
When was the last time you checked in with your heart? What does your heart want? Doing this daily can be a game changer. 

Find your Tribe
What kind of people do you share space with? What do they value? What types of success do they have in their lives? You are the company you keep. 


Book Your Discovery Call

Ready to rise?

Schedule your Free Intro Call with Mariam now.

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